At Politics & Ideas, we are working to put together an online course focused on understanding funding models that think tanks employ around the world, and their implications. Our assumption is that different funding schemes (e.g. through contracts, core funds and/or project funds) can have fundamental implications on the way policy research is done, as well as in communications and management of think tanks – just to mention some of their core functions.
Although this issue often comes up in discussions and is a key concern for many Executive Directors, we have found that there is not enough systematized knowledge about it – only bits and pieces, and most of it is focused on fundraising techniques rather than a comprehensive take on the issue.
We want to kick-start our research effort through a short and general survey to get some preliminary information from think tanks. The survey includes questions about how your funding model works, about fundraising, accountability concerns, and your approach on sustainability.
Your input will help us understand the way things are done across regions and organisations, as well as to identify the main concerns and needs that think tanks have in terms of developing a sound, sustainable funding model that matches their goals.
Here is the survey. Feel free to forward it to anyone who might be able to provide insight.
This project is led by Vanesa Weyrauch and supported by the Think Tank Fund.
Ideally, we would like to receive respones before July 11th.