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Our Work

organisational change

Many organisations and leaders desire to better embrace and co create change for a better future. We assist you in that process.


Leaders have traditionally played a pivotal role in organisations but we need new ways of leading. We inspire and help you to become the type of leader the future needs

Systematising useful knowledge

We are passionate about generating knowledge that is meaningful and useful for those working in the knowledge and policy field.


With a mix of interactive learning approaches and activities we help a wide range of stakeholders share knowledge and learn.


We use different methods and tools that enable more inclusive, agile, and fruitful group interactions.

Learning &

We have experience in multi-country and multi-stakeholder programmes, projects and organisational evaluations that are used to inform decisions. 

Anchor 1 Innovating

Facilitating organisational change

P&I offers organisations a wide range of approaches to navigate change in a positive tone. We help them produce holistic self-assessments (even if focused on one strategic function such as fundraising and governance we approach them as interdependent functions with other areas in the organisation), detect leverage points for change, and decide what actions could be taken for the wellbeing and evolution of everyone.


Whether its a strategic planning process, an external multistakeholder consultation or an evaluation of a reform of a specific area, our approach is systemic and participatory: it takes into account the individuals as well as the complexities
of the living systems in which we all exist. Through approaches like design thinking,
Theory U, the Art of Hosting, Liberating Structures we create safe spaces that allow collective intelligence to emerge. This then turns into meaningful and sustainable results.ningful results.

When we work in change processes, we focus on the visible and measurable elements that contribute to change (processes, capacities, etc.) and also on the invisible ones (culture, ideas, values, etc) which may times remain hidden or implicit.

Some of our projects

Systematising useful knowledge


Some of our projects

  • Strategic concept note on enhancing trust in science through evidence Global. 2023. informed decision-making for WHO, Research for Health Department/Science Division, Evidence to Policy and Impact Unit (2023)

  • Review of the guide ‘Expanding the use of your research: WHO guide on Global. 2023. research communication for policy’ for WHO, Research for Health Department/Science Division, Evidence to Policy and Impact Unit (2023)

  • Unleashing Southern Research Leadership with Technology with INASP, AuthorAid, The Institute of Coding, and The Open University (Global) (2021) 

  • Co-authorship with CIPPEC of “Inter sectorial alliances in Latin America: opportunities for the future”, sponsored by the IADB. (2020)

  • Co-authorship of the Discussion Paper: The Fourth Industrial Revolution: are knowledge systems ready? With Southern Voice, Capability, UNESCO Montevideo Office, Demos Helsinki and Using Evidence (2018)

  • Development of "Context Matters" Framework to strengthen the use of evidence in policy decisions (2015)

P&I has wide expertise in developing conceptual and practical studies that inform the evolution of the knowledge and policy field. We are committed to visbilising and systematising knowledge and experience from the Global South, which still remains partially unseen in mainstream literature. We bring and raise those voices and wisdom.

We have produced practical papers and guides that bridge exisiting cutting edge research on different topics with the real and ongoing challenges and practices of individuals and organisations for a better use of knowledge in policy and decisionmaking. 

Anchor 2 Facilitating

Empowering teams

People relate to each other and collaborate naturally if they are able to connect their personal purpose to the bigger, shared mission and vision of their team and organsisation. 

The more organisations are able to listen and incorporate different voices, views and interests into their creative processes the more effective they will be. We empower collaboration in teams by bringing everyone together in safe spaces where transparent and candid conversations can happen. We facilitate the necessary trust and empathy that allows team members to solve challenges and co-create the better possible future for very concrete challenges.

We use different methods and tools that enable more inclusive, agile, and fruitful interactions such as Liberating structures, the Dare to lead toolkit (Brené Brown), and Agile methods. Active and inclusive participation cleary turns into meaningful results.

Some of our projects

  • Helping Epica develop its manifesto and identity through team collaboration (Argentina) (2021)

  • Empowering middle managers to lead engaged teams  for Latcom (Argentina) (2019)

  • Face to face workshops on “Engaged teams” at American Express (Argentina) (2019)

Anchor 3 Empowering
Anchor 4 Unfolding

Unfolding leadership

Within our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, more and more leaders today acknowledge that they do not know how to effectively lead and inspire others. 

We support leaders who are transitioning to new ways of co-leading organisations that capitalise on collective intelligence, self-management, and shared purposes. 

We also help leaders integrate different sources of knowledge, ranging from inner wisdom to local and indigenous knowledge and research generated by experts and professionals.


Some of our projects

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Evolving capacities

With a mix of interactive learning approaches and activities we help a wide range of stakeholders further develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes to better contribute to their organisations and contexts. We do this with an emphasis on horizontal exchange and an artful combination of theory and practice.

Learning for us needs to be context-relevant and fit for purpose. We always strive to help individuals apply what they learn to their workplace: through development of plans and strategies for their institutions, to mentoring and technical assistance for implementation.

We help participants improve their skills in areas such as policy engagement, policy-relevant research, communications, fundraising, monitoring, evaluation and learning, leadership, and gender and diversity, among others.

Our capacity building activities also integrate good practices from around the world to inspire our participants with new approaches, tools, and ideas and also learn from them.  

Some of our projects

Anchor 5 Evolving

Learning & Evaluating

We contribute to strengthening organisations’ learning culture by designing and applying co-creative, participatory, and diversity-aware evaluation approaches (from data collection, to use and communication). We foster embracing both successes and failures.

We have vast experience in multi-country and multi-stakeholder programmes, projects and organisational evaluation. We emphasise the production of useful and relevant findings, that are validated through different sensemaking methods. Based on this, we offer strategic recommendations that are sound, innovative and actionable.


Some of our projects

  • Mid-term review of the Global Network for Disaster Reduction´s Strategy for 2020-2025 (Global) (2022)

  • Evaluation of the data and systems for M&E of the EU-AU Research Africa. 2020. & Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture. Client: Association of Commonwealth Universities (2021)

  • Evaluation of the global initiative Research4Life. Case study: Honduras (2020)

  • Evaluation of Rimisp’s Project “Transforming Territories” (Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) (2018)

  • Evaluation of Rimisp’s Project “Transforming Territories” (Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) (2016)

  • External Review of Rimisp’s Territorial Cohesion for Development (CTD) Program (2015)

  • Developing MEL strategies for think tanks in Ukraine (2017)

  • Light touch review of the online course Leaders of change: developing Latin American policymakers’ capacity to promote the use of knowledge in policy (2016)

  • Strategic review of Capacity Building Phase 1 and Phase 2 of IDRC´s Think Tank Initiative (Latin America) (2014)

  • Evaluation of the influence of the Rimisp’s program Knowledge and Change in Rural Poverty and Development (Colombia) (2013)

  • Development of Links of policy influence, a methodology to evaluate Rimisp’s initiatives (2013)

  • Development of an M&E methodology to monitor and evaluate the policy impact of Save the Children UK’s EVERY ONE campaign (2010-2011)

Anchor 6 Learning
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