[This blog post is part of the P&I series where we share our personal and professional journeys and how they link to a re-thinking of P&I and its purpose. Read the previous blog post of the series.]
“I dwell in Possibility” –Emily Dickinson

2020…does this year raise any feelings within you? It has been a peculiar year-no doubt! And as we approach 2021, it is also challenging to envisage what it will look like, right? Uncertainty surrounds us at every level…we can take it as a threat to our plans and desires or we can play around it as a source of new and different opportunities.
We chose the latter. This new context requires an update of our operating system, or even changing it completely. If we want to use more knowledge to inform our personal, organisational and systemic decisions…what sort of knowledge do we need? Who can help us with that? Big questions around the work we used to do.
P&I´s working areas are transversal to finding new possibilities for the questions that emerge in this inviting scenario. Some ideas for next year include:
Helping organisations and leaders to evolve into new ways of operating: P&I offers organisations a wide range of approaches to navigate change in a positive tone. We help them produce integral self-assessments (even if focused on one strategic function such as fundraising and governance we approach them as interdependent functions), detect leverage points for change, and decide what actions could be taken for the wellbeing and evolution of everyone. Always, with an eye on what and whose knowledge counts.
Facilitating all types of organisational processes with a systemic and participatory approach (planning, monitoring and evaluation, team building, etc.) Through approaches like design thinking, Theory U, the art of hosting, and others we create safe spaces that allow for collective intelligence to emerge achieving meaningful results.
Learning and evaluating with actionable recommendations: we are committed to helping teams and organisations nurture their learning culture by designing and applying co-creative, participatory, and diversity-aware evaluation approaches that embrace both successes and failures.
Finding innovative ways to evolve capacities: With a mix of interactive learning approaches and activities we aspire to help a wide range of stakeholders further develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes to better contribute to their organisations and contexts. We emphasise horizontal exchange and an artful combination of theory and practice. Even though we love face to face interaction we have discovered new possibilities in love online learning and know how to do it!
We also aim to continue holding Coaching circles, a monthly collaborative leadership experience to join together with peers seeking for fresh ways to work together, with deep connection. These circles are carefully designed and safe spaces to share challenges related to our work and organisations and jointly co-sense what they mean to us, and how we can collectively co-create new approaches to deal with them.
2021…we are getting close to you, and while embracing your undeniable uncertainty we dwell in the possibilities you bring.