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Diagnosing and improving the use of evidence at UNICEF (South Asia and East Asia and Pacific regions)
Project brief
The evidence diagnostic was a collaborative 18-month exercise involving UNICEF Office of Research, a team from INASP/P&I, and regional offices in East and Southern Africa (ESARO) and South Asia (ROSA). The project helped unpack and contextualise UNICEF’s global evidence Survey findings at a regional level, identify priority areas for change and support regional offices and, where appropriate, country offices CO staff as they implemented these changes to improve the way they produce, use and communicate evidence for internal decision making and external influence. Both evidence diagnostics were conducted using the Context Matters Framework developed by P&I and INASP, and included interviews, focus groups discussions, and workshops with regional, country staff, and external stakeholders.
January to December 2019
UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti
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