[Editor’s note: This post is the second of a series produced by Vanesa Weyrauch and Leandro Echt from Politics&Ideas to share what we learn through the development and conduction of an online course targeted to policymakers in Latin America on the use of research in policy.]
As we have previously shared, at P&I we are working on the development and conduction of an online course targeted to policymakers in Latin America on the use of research in policy.
This post is a call for policy makers to contribute with ideas on what they would like to address in a course focusing on supporting mid-level policymakers interested in promoting a vivid culture of using evidence in policymaking. We are very interested in better incorporating their perspective in what we are planning to do in the upcoming months.
So we invite you to fill these brief four questions from your experience as a policy maker, or help us sharing the survey with colleagues working on the public sector:
Please see here for the survey in English
Por favor visite este link para la encuesta en español.
At P&I we are convinced of the need to co-build with others knowledge on the interaction between research and policy. Helping us with this survey is a very appreciated contribution towards these efforts.